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Did I make money?


Investments surely makes money for you. The earlier you start investing, the better it is. There are two basic ideas around investing. You can invest using fundamental approach, or technical approach. As I had mentioned, I am fundamental analyst. However, I also have a tendency to never reject any possibility of exploring an option. So if someone asks me what is better; fundamental or quantitative? I had rather say why not both together?

Invest in a fundamentally sound company at the right time. Quantitative or Technical analysis can give us insights into to timing of investment. There is a new term nowadays called Quantamental. This is basically a mix of the above two strategies.

For a normal person, it may be difficult to understand the above concepts. We can say that a particular company is very promising but how do you decide that we should buy it now or later? We have a whole industry working on this and even they cannot concur, how can we expect it to be done by an individual, with no expert knowledge, in his spare time? This individual does need some help.

Do you think you need help??

In most cases, we fall back on family and friends to give us this advice. Or if we are little more sophisticated; on our bankers. However, in most cases they will only advice to "Buy" but we will never ear from them when to "Sell". It is important to know both. Hence I think for an individual, it does not matter if it was fundamental or technical. The bottom line is; "Did I make money on the portfolio?"

Do you agree with me that at the end what matters is that did I make money or not??


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